The Alumni Association provides lifelong recovery support to the participants and graduates of the Morris County Recovery Court

Hear what some of our graduates say!

How the Alumni Association Helps

  • Encourages a sober lifestyle while in the Recovery Court program and after graduation.
  • Allows Recovery Court participants to discover new avenues of expression through the Creative Positive Expressions Program.
  • Sponsors monthly meetings with motivational speakers.
  • Promotes recovery lifestyle through mentoring and fellowship.
  • Offers sober events that encourage prosocial activities.
  • It provides a place to encourage and offer peer support to others not as established in their recovery.
  • Instills confidence in personal success.
  • Provides opportunities for Alumni and current participants to complete service work.
  • Provides a way for Alumni to stay connected to the recovery community.

Play the Video Below for More Information

What the Alumni Association Does

Page 25 –  “Artistic Addendum; Creative Positive Expressions Program gives Recovery Court participants tools, outlets to aid recovery” by Rebecca Conviser, DLitt


Page 60 – “The Alumni Association; An Integral Part of the Process” by Charles C. Johnson, Jr.


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